Celebrating 10 Years!

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We are Celebrating 10 Years in Business!

Hi Friends!

2021 brings a big year for Wolf Recruiting.

We are celebrating 10 years in business!

In celebration, here are a few of our achievements:

  • While we help businesses grow, the Wolf Recruiting Team has also grown itself – from just 1 recruiter to two additional employees.

  • We work in a broad spectrum of industries including Cannabis, Consumer Packaged Goods, Hospitality, Marketing & Advertising, IoT, and more.

  • We have been fortunate to work with 30+ startup companies, large corporations, and small businesses.

We are thrilled to continue to support businesses find talent across the country and help job seekers find careers they love.

How Do You Measure Success?


By Christina Faulkenburg, Recruiting Administrator

What is Success?

Merriam-Webster defines it as a ‘favorable or desired outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminance’

Is success only measured in dollars? The amount of books you sell? How many Instagram likes you have? How many deals you closed?

What if success means you have happy clients because you genuinely care about them? What if success means your clients refer you to their family and friends? What if success means you feel healthy and in charge of your well-being? That through life’s struggles, you are happy? That you built a business that employs one person or ten people?

Success has been measured for a long time in the amount of money in our bank account. However, if success is measured in dollars how will we ever find true success?

As a business owner, you can challenge yourself to find out what success means to you. You can do it in your personal life as well. Here are some questions you can ask yourself at the beginning of each week, month, quarter, or even every day if you choose, to help you find balance in monetary success and what you may feel is successful:

·         What is your goal for this [day, week, month, quarter]? (Be specific)

·         How will you measure it?

·         What makes you feel good?

·         What’s one thing that you can do to improve what makes you feel good?

·         Write down five things you grateful for in this moment?

Success can be measured in so many ways. Not just financially. So when you are thinking about your goals and what you are grateful for, think about the things that made you feel good. If you have a lot of money in the bank, think about the small things that helped you grow your bank account. Back to basics. If you don’t have a lot of money in the bank (it’s all relative) think about ways in which you can measure your success in ways that make your life happy.

Happiness is a favorable outcome, after all.